This guide assumes that you have a knowledge of the mechanics of both bosses and trash in the dungeon and will take a more monk focused approach. For more information on the mechanics of all the different mobs and bosses in the dungeon check out the guide over at Wowhead.
The recommended talents for Maw of Souls are:
–Chi Wave
–Tiger’s Lust
–Energizing Elixir
–Leg Sweep
–Diffuse Magic
–Hit Combo
–Whirling Dragon Punch.
The damage talents selected are taken due to being the current best setup in all scenarios, there is no real deviation in talents for aoe/st.
Tiger’s Lust can be used to dispel a debuff in Maw of Souls and as such is the best option.
Diffuse Magic is the most helpful of the 3 in Maw of Souls due to the fact that the heaviest hitting abilities in the dungeon are magic damage, such as: Lantern of Darkness, Brackwater Blast and Fire Blast. It can also help with dispelling Taint of the Sea on Helya.
Boss Tips
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor / Drinking Horn Cover
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-You can use Transcendence to get back to the boss quickly after he casts Screams of the Dead and you have to run out.
-Saving some damage for the Arise, Fallen cast can be necessary depending on affixes and level, if left alive for too long they end up doing a lot of damage or on affixes like Necrotic and Explosive they can be a pain when left alive. In these situations saving a stack of SEF for them can be very helpful, and equipping Drinking Horn Cover due to the massive extension you’ll get by spamming SCK.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-Making sure you have Leg Sweep and Fists of Fury up and ready for each Fragment cast will make it significantly easier to deal with.
-If your group is having trouble killing Shackled Servitors you can hold onto 1 SEF charge for when it spawns and burst it down very quickly.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-Depending on the affixes you can change your ToD timing. On Fortified you should hold it until Helya herself comes out to try and kill her with only 1 or 2 submerged phases. However, on Tyrannical using it on the Destructor Tentacles can be very beneficial, as if you have 2 up at the same time it will likely be a wipe and on high enough keys you’ll have your 2nd ToD up for Helya herself anyway.
-Remember that if you get the Taint of the Sea debuff you can use Diffuse Magic to dispel yourself and save your healer some mana.
Trash Tips
Notable packs to be ready to stun:
-If you do a double pull at the start before Ymiron it can be difficult to pick up every Fire Blast cast, using Leg Sweep or Arcane Torrent can help a lot here.
-The dogs in the underbelly of the boat can be very deadly to any players that they jump at so killing them in a stun can save a lot of deaths.
-If you pull multiple packs after Harbaron it is recommended that you assign one player to kicking the Bone Chilling Scream, if you do that you can still get a lot of the other casts with Leg Sweep and Arcane Torrent if you’re Blood Elf.
Important casts to look out for and prioritize kicks on:
–Fire Blast
–Soul Siphon
–Bone Chilling Scream
–Whirlpool of Souls
–Debilitating Shout
–Torrent of Souls
In Maw of Souls there are no casts that can only be interrupt be Paralysis and no mobs that can be skipped via its use either, therefore you should just use it to interrupt any casts that go through while your interrupt is on cooldown.
If you pull any Seacursed Slavers at the start of the dungeon then Tiger’s Lust can be used to remove Barbed Spear.