Added an energy tracker aura. This aura shows the player how much energy they have spent towards their next set of
Flurry Strikes.
Flurry Charges are no longer cancelable and no longer have a duration.
Flurry Strikes unleash energy trigger threshold is now 240 energy (was 300).
Flurry Strikes damage reduced by 8%.
Flurry Strikes Accumulator Threshold increased by 47%.
Wisdom of the Wall bonus effects duration reduced to 16 seconds (was 20%).
Against All Odds duration reduced to 5 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Developer’s note: The goal of these changes is to allow Shado-pan to activate
Flurry Strikes more frequently and have a better understanding of when the
Flurry Strikes are going to to be unleashed on their foes.
Blackout Kick‘s damage increased by 20%.
Flurry of Xuen damage increased by 40%.
Fixed an issue that caused
Courageous Impulse to incorrectly buff the damage of
Blackout Kick by more than intended when multiple stacks are active.
Fixed an issue that caused
Courageous Impulse to incorrectly buff
Teachings of the Monastery‘s
Blackout Kicks.
What They Mean
There isn’t any big changes for Windwalker. This amounts to about 3% more ST damage for Shado-pan but less for Conduit of the Celestials, and a 4-5% increase in AOE damage.
The important changes are that Shado-pan will look to run Flurry of Xuen all the time, unless you really like Hit Combo (you don’t). If you are playing Conduit of the Celestials then you will want to stick with Hit Combo unless you tend to make mistakes to drop it or you just like Flurry of Xuen better (you do). This is no longer true as they fixed a bug that was giving FloX more damage. Hit Combo is still the play in all situations.
Flurry Strikes is also much easier to use and track as it will proc more consistently and more often, so a simple buff tracking WeakAura to track Flurry Strikes charges will be sufficient.
The bug with SEF and Celestial Conduit is no longer working.
The Shado-pan interaction where you can desync your Flurry Strikes charges for some additional damage is still in the game, you just have to set it up before doing any content as you cant use the Cancelaura method anymore (good).
- Log out
- Log back in
- Go to a target dummy
- Cast Tiger Palms on the dummy. Either 4 with Inner Peace or 3 without Inner Peace
- Auto-attack dummy until you have 9 stacks of Flurry Strikes
- Cast another Tiger Palm on the dummy to trigger Flurry Strikes
- Don’t leave melee range until the animation fades
- Leave combat and enjoy a small boost to your Flurry Strikes damage
- Ideally get summoned into any instance for less chance that it resets
Anniversary Blackrock Depths
With the 11.0.5 patch you can do Blackrock Depths. Much of the loot isn’t currently in sims yet, but should be over the next few days. All of the gear caps out at Hero track, so it will almost certainly lose to Myth track gear, but it can be useful for lower geared characters and alts.
If you get something, sim it.
Like always, this page will get updated if anything changes, but we don’t expect very much else to change.