Legendaries – Guide and Article
Introduction – 00:00
Cenedril, Reflector of Hatred – 01:35
Katsuo’s Eclipse – 05:50
Cinidaria, the Symbiote – 07:50
Hidden Master’s Forbidden Touch – 10:30
Drinking Horn Cover – 15:30
Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus – 19:40
Sephuz’s Secret – 23:35
March of the Legion – 27:40
The Emperor’s Capacitor – 32:50
Summary – 34:20
Conclusion – 38:25[/x_columnize]
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I’m also looking for a good WtW themed podcast banner image and one I can use for iTunes (needs to be 1400 x 1400 to 3000 x 3000), so feel free to post a link to one below if you’ve got the image abilities.
Hey Babylonius, I see you took my advice about the .mp3 rendering, that makes me happy 🙂 Another good podcast, keep it up! Happy thanksgiving from Sweden!
Thank you
First of all: thank you for these podcasts, they are helping a lot (at least for me ) to master my character. Also want to note that: I have the ToD gloves legendary item and you are right, if you can apply both ToD and one of them cannot explode before the target dies you get back that 30% CDR, in the worst situation where both targets die before ToDs explode you get twice as much CDR back, so you will be able to cast ToD in 40 sec again.
There may be a lot of WoW podcasts, but what a luxury it is to have one dedicated to your spec!
By the way, at the start the audio were cutting in and out a lot, since you were talking just around the voice activation volume. It was a bit jarring. :p
I’d prefer a tiny bit of background static!
Yeah I’m not sure why it does that at the start. I’m not using voice activated audio so it should be picking me up, but I’ll see if there’s anything I can do.
Keeps on being great! Really appreciated the in-depth legendary discussion – thanks! 😀
Fucking loved this
Thank you this are great to listen to. Please keep it going.
Nice to see the file sizes reduced! Can listen to them on my phone on the way to work now.
Hey man,
Thanks very much for this great site and these awesome pod casts! This has been a lot of fun to follow and use while playing my WW.
I wanted to note, you may want to keep an eye on Kil’jaeden’s Burning Wish.
2157 agi
389 crit/haste/mastery
launch a fireball that does critical strike damage for 1,121,640 fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards.
1m 15 sec cd.
I tested it on the PTR (Dec 4), no gear on except the trinket against the two dungeoneer dummies, lvl 112.
I did 10 casts with no serenity and 10 with.
avg hit no serenity: 1.2m (give or take)
avg hit with serenity 1.6m (give or take)
This item does seem to benefit from serenity! It also does this damage per target hit – not spread/divided in any way. I don’t know if there is cap on the amount of targets it can hit.
Either way, in its current state, it seems pretty strong – worth keeping an eye on 🙂
Sorry if the testing methods were flawed, I dont usually test!
Thanks for the help! Very knowledgeable! The very best of monks!