This week on the show, our hosts Anomoly and emallson get even more hyped about 9.1.5 as they discuss the reveal of the Mage Tower, sick new Monk armor set, and then predict the death of Dance of Chi-Ji as the only sane outcome of uncapping Spinning Crane Kick’s AoE.
This week’s show is also available on YouTube. You can catch the show live at 1:30pm Eastern Time on Sundays over at https://twitch.tv/emallson.
Links from the Show
00:00 Introduction & Progression Recap
10:40 Sylvanas Windrunner Hotfixes (+ Undocumented Changes)
19:30 Kel’thuzad Cooldown Refreshing in 9.1.5
24:00 “Breaking the Chains” Mount Bug & Hotfix
28:44 /ignore Entire Accounts!
30:05 Alliance Hall of Fame Closing: Cross Realm Mythic Opens on Sep 21-23!
36:25 TBC Phase 2 World First SSC and TK
39:27 BDGG Sanctum of Domination Balance Recap
45:51 Spinning Crane Kick is UNCAPPED!?!
50:55 Archivist’s Codex Catchup & Timeless Isle Chat
01:19:23 Should Covenant Abilities Work in the Mage Tower?
Music: Skye Cuillin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4371-skye-cuillin
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/