We have Hero Talents! This week we are talking about the Shado-Pan (Brewmaster + Windwalker) and Conduit of the Celestials (Mistweaver + Windwalker) hero talent trees, their implications for Monk, and other *ahem* NOTEWORTHY updates to the Mistweaver spec coming in The War Within!
The Hero Talent Trees are available in full here: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24074997/get-an-eye-on-an-even-dozen-new-hero-talent-trees#showthetrees
This show is also available on YouTube and is streamed live every week at 1:30pm EDT over at https://twitch.tv/emallson
00:00 Reclear Recap: Absences Suck
05:15 Week in Review: Hearthstone 10y Aniversary, M+ Exploits, Patch 10.2.6
12:59 Season 4: “Key Level Squish”
20:20 Hero Talents: Shado-Pan (BrM/WW)
42:34 Hero Talents: Conduit of the Celestials (MW/WW)
Music: Skye Cuillin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4371-skye-cuillin
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0