February 25 Windwalker Buffs!!!

February 25 Windwalker Buffs!!!

https://www.wowhead.com/news=311305/upcoming-patch-8-3-class-balance-changes-for-february-25th Monk Windwalker Damage of all abilities increased by 5%.   Windwalker finally saw some buffs, on the tail of a nice bug fix to a problem with Mark of the Crane that...
Windwalker vs Havoc III: Offense

Windwalker vs Havoc III: Offense

So once we look at the historical data and discussed how “simple” a spec is, I think its important to look at what makes up that data and whether a spec is rewarded or punished for its “simplicity”. When it comes to comparing abilities and what...
Windwalker vs Havoc III: Offense

Windwalker vs Havoc II: “Simplicity”

When looking at the historical data, there’s a huge element of it that is caused by people’s perception of how easy a spec is to pick up and play. “Simplicity” and “ease” are hard things to quantify and compare. What one person...
Windwalker vs Havoc III: Offense

Windwalker vs Havoc: Historical Data

Its been no secret that I’ve, for the most part, retired my Windwalker in favor of a Demon Hunter. This came after weeks of trying to figure out what to do; I wasn’t playing Windwalker well enough, and the spec as a whole wasn’t performing to the...
Windwalker Feedback Thread: My Ideas

Windwalker Feedback Thread: My Ideas

A few weeks ago we launched a website https://wind.mathweaving.com in conjunction with the other Monk specs. The goal of this project was to gather ideas that the community could vote on and discuss to get an idea for what things were most wanted. Now that its been a...
Making Serenity Great Again

Making Serenity Great Again

The purpose of this article was to try to discover how much of a buff would Serenity need to be viable or even strong in 8.3 Disclaimer: Because the Serenity APL was doing the old Swift Roundhouse rotation of 2x BoK -> RSK I had to swap to Xuen for the purpose of...
8.3 PTR Build 32044 – Single Target Buffs!?!

8.3 PTR Build 32044 – Single Target Buffs!?!

So the first PTR posting for 8.3 was released today, and it comes with some long awaited buffs.  Rising Sun Kick Kick upwards, dealing [(115% 143.8% of Attack power) * ((Attack power + Offhand attack power) * 2 / 3) / Attack power] Physical damage, and reducing the...
DPS Class/Spec Balance in Eternal Palace

DPS Class/Spec Balance in Eternal Palace

This article has been long coming. It was going to get written last week, but with the announced buffs to a few specs, I wanted to wait till we had the full week’s worth of data after the changes. Now that a week has passed, its time to start parsing through the...
Dropping RSK from our Priority

Dropping RSK from our Priority

With the buffs in 8.3 this playstyle is no longer valid   If you’ve been following the events that have transpired the past few days in Discord, then you’re probably aware that we’ve been discussing the pros/cons of dropping Rising Sun Kick from...