Rather than update the guide pages, only to remove them for the new expansion, this page will serve as the “guide” for the Dragonflight Prepatch. It will be updated with any new information as we figure it out.
The Dragonflight Pre-Patch is as chaotic a time in World of Warcraft as there has ever been. With the blending of Covenants, Conduits, Soulbinds, and Legendaries from Shadowlands and the new Dragonflight Talent system, there is an insane amount of overlap and redundancy. Because of this, what follows in this page has never been less important to what you can do during the Pre-Patch. Feel free to ignore any and all of this “guide” and play in whatever insane combination of things your heart desires. This is the perfect time to experiment with wacky things rather than stick to “beep boop what is best boop beep”.
The recommendations below are set up so that the transition from Pre-Patch to expansion is as smooth as possible. This means that these recommendations, especially for rotation and talents, may not be perfectly “optimal” currently, but should be closer to what is looking to be optimal for Dragonflight. As always, things can change a thousand times a day, so don’t get too attached to any of these recommendations.
Reminder: Sepulcher Tier Set bonuses are disabled
Shadowlands Systems
During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch the best Raiding covenant for Windwalkers is generally Kyrian because of the potential for having multiple Xuen and the strength of that wonderful tiger. However, playing as Necrolord is still likely favored in Mythic+ due to its simplicity. Even Night Fae is perfectly acceptable in Raids or M+ as all the options are relatively close. If you’d like to play Venthyr for a bit just to see why it was so terrible for Windwalkers all expansion, then go for it.
- Kyrian uses Mikanikos for everything.
- Necrolord uses Emeni for everything.
- Night Fae uses Niya for everything.
- Venthyr use Nadjia the Mistblade for everything.
Single Target
- Coordinated Offensive
- Bone Marrow Hops (Necrolord Only)
- Imbued Reflections (Venthyr Only)
- Calculated Strikes (If Talented into Dance of Chi-Ji)
- Xuen’s Bond
- Inner Fury
- Strike with Clarity (Kyrian Only)
- Way of the Fae (Night Fae Only)
Multi Target
- Calculated Strikes
- Bone Marrow Hops (Necrolord Only)
- Coordinated Offensive
- Way of the Fae (Night Fae Only)
- Imbued Reflections (Venthyr Only)
- Xuen’s Bond
- Inner Fury
- Strike with Clarity (Kyrian Only)
- Invoker’s Delight on Cloak
- Memory of Unity on Wrist
- Both with Versatility and Critical Strike
Stats and Gems
Agility > Versatility > Critical Strike > Mastery > Haste
- Weapons – Use Raidbot’s Top Gear Tool for the most specific and accurate results for your character, but here are some general recommendations: for single target, use 1 Enchant Weapon – Sinful Revelation. For AoE, use 1 Enchant Weapon – Lightless Force. If you are dual wielding, use 1 Enchant Weapon – Celestial Guidance on the other weapon in all situations. It doesn’t matter which hand each one is on. Don’t double up on two of the same enchant.
- Chest – Enchant Chest – Eternal Stats
- Boots – Enchant Boots – Eternal Agility
- Rings – Use Raidbot’s Top Gear Tool for the most specific and accurate results for your character. In general, it will usually follow the stat priority above.
- Cloak – Enchant Cloak – Soul Vitality. Technically, this is a minor DPS enhancing enchant due to Touch of Death and Touch of Karma using your max HP as a reference for damage values.
- Bracers – Enchant Bracers – Shaded Hearthing, though if you ever play Mistweaver as an off spec, you’ll want Enchant Bracers – Eternal Intellect
- Gloves – Enchant Gloves – Shadowlands Gathering
- Flask – Spectral Flask of Power
- Potion – Potion of Spectral Agility.
- Rune – Veiled Augment Rune
- Food – Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism. You can use stat food that matches your gems/enchants if feasts are not available.
- Weapon Enhancement – Shaded Weightstone/Shaded Sharpening Stone (use 2 if dual wielding).
- Armor Kit – Heavy Desolate Armor Kit, though this is mostly utility/optional. Technically, it can provide a very small DPS increase, as Touch of Death and Touch of Karma use your max HP as a reference for damage values.
Pre-Patch Systems
This is where things get squirrely and you are more than welcome to pick whatever you want.
Click on the images below to open these builds in Wowhead’s talent calculator where you can export a string to use in game.
Mythic Plus
Ability Priority
These look like they are much longer than previously, because they are.
Single Target
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
Touch of Death
Expel Harm if <6 Chi AND about to cap energy
Tiger Palm if <5 Chi AND about to cap energy
Blackout Kick with 3 stacks of
Teachings of the Monastery
Strike of the Windlord
Faeline Harmony if targets don’t have
Faeline Harmony debuff
Fists of Fury
Rising Sun Kick
Whirling Dragon Punch
Spinning Crane Kick with
Dance of Chi-Ji proc
Blackout Kick
Spinning Crane Kick
Chi Wave
Faeline Stomp
Chi Burst
Expel Harm
Tiger Palm
Cleave (2-4 Targets)
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
Touch of Death
Expel Harm if <6 Chi AND about to cap energy
Tiger Palm if <5 Chi AND about to cap energy
Blackout Kick with 3 stacks of
Teachings of the Monastery
Strike of the Windlord
Fists of Fury
Spinning Crane Kick with
Dance of Chi-Ji proc
Whirling Dragon Punch
Rising Sun Kick ONLY to trigger
Whirling Dragon Punch
Blackout Kick
Spinning Crane Kick
Chi Burst
Expel Harm
Tiger Palm
AOE (5+ Targets)
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
Touch of Death
Expel Harm if <6 Chi AND about to cap energy
Tiger Palm if <5 Chi AND about to cap energy
Strike of the Windlord
Spinning Crane Kick with
Dance of Chi-Ji proc
Blackout Kick with 3 stacks of
Teachings of the Monastery
Fists of Fury
Whirling Dragon Punch
Rising Sun Kick ONLY to trigger
Whirling Dragon Punch
Spinning Crane Kick
Blackout Kick
Chi Burst
Expel Harm
Tiger Palm
WeakAuras are ways to show things on your screen in a customized and personalized way. The best WeakAuras are the ones that you set up for yourself specific to your style and needs. However, many people have already made ones for themselves to share, so check them out and use them as bases to customize your own.
No WeakAuras are “required” but some are very useful:
- Last Ability Tracker – Tracks the last ability you used in order to minimize mistakes with Mastery. Turns red when a mistake is made, turns blue when an ability is dodged, parried, or misses.
- Touch of Karma Absorb Remaining – Tracks the duration of Touch of Karma and the amount of shield left to absorb.
- Storm, Earth, and Fire 0.1 Second Timer – A simple timer for Storm, Earth, and Fire that shows the remaining duration to tenths of a second.
- Coordinated Offensive – A reminder to fixate your Storm, Earth, and Fire spirits for bonus damage if you have the conduit Coordinated Offensive equipped.
- Mark of the Crane Stacks – Tracks the amount of Mark of the Crane debuffs you have out.
- Last Emperor’s Capacitor – Tracks the charges for the Last Emperor’s Capacitor legendary. Plays a sound when you hit 20 stacks.
- Babylonius’s WeakAuras – WeakAura group created by Babylonius (author of this guide), aimed at having all you need to play Windwalker.
- Monk Covenants – A set of WeakAuras for each covenant ability, most notably including Weapons of Order uptime that includes the RSK buff tracker.
- Diffuse Magic – Gives you a warning when you have a debuff on you that can be dispelled or reflected using Diffuse Magic in Mythic/Mythic+ dungeons.
- Mark of the Crane Duration Tracker – Tracks your current Marks of the Crane up on enemies in a single bar with sparks for each mark. Also available in a multi-bar version with individual bars.
Don’t Clip FoF
#showtooltip Tiger Palm
/stopmacro [channeling:Fists of Fury]
/cast Tiger Palm
Change Tiger Palm to whatever ability you want. This macro prevents you from cancelling the channel of Fists of Fury early and missing a tick of damage. It is recommended to use this on your main rotational abilities. If you are using Last Emperor’s Capacitor, you may want to add this line in the middle for the same effect for Crackling Jade Lightning:
/stopmacro [channeling:Crackling Jade Lightning]
Using Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger in a Castsequence Macro
Normally, Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger cannot be used in a castsequence macro due to the comma in the name. However, there is a workaround that will allow you to, for example, combine Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger and Weapons of Order into a single macro. Note that you still have to press this twice, since they are both on the GCD:
/cast [nopet] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast [pet] Weapons of Order